
"...Helped manage reservoir releases during back-to-back hurricanes Eta and Iota"

-Manuel Conde

During Hurricanes Eta and Iota in 2020, the Honduran state power company, ENEE, relied on the 15-day discharge forecast from the GEOGLOWS Streamflow Forecast service to manage the flood risk in the Sula Valley, an area with high agricultural and industrial productivity. The controlled water releases and closure of the El Cajón Dam's inflow helped minimize damage and economic losses, making the information from the GEOGLOWS service reliable and actionable for effective flood risk management. 

Photo: Ercani Pindado,2020

The El Cajón Dam in Honduras is responsible for the generation and distribution of electricity, and management of water in the Sula Valley, an area with high agricultural and industrial productivity. In 2020, during the arrival of Hurricanes Eta and Iota, the dam reached its maximum storage capacity. The Honduran state power company, ENEE, used a 15-day discharge forecast from the GEOGLOWS Streamflow Forecast service to manage the reservoir levels and minimize economic losses. The controlled water releases before Iota's arrival and the closure of the dam's inflow during the storm avoided severe damage in the Sula Valley, saving over 30% of economic losses compared to Hurricane Mitch in 1998. 

For more information: Read the report