
"... combined with local hydrological model SONICS"

From a global to a local model


SONICS (Sistema de ObservacióN de InundaCiones Potenciales del Senamhi) is based on the simulated daily mean flow outputs of the ARNO/VIC + RAPID coupled hydrological model. This hydrological model has been calibrated and validated nationally using daily precipitation information from the PISCO product and daily mean flow information observed at 43 hydrometric stations across the country, during 1981-2020. Flood thresholds are estimated from the analysis of frequencies of simulated maximum annual flows in each river stretch for return periods of 2.33, 5 and 10 years.


The flood forecast response game is based on the results of the global hydrological model GEOGLOWS ECMWF Streamflow Services (GESS). 

The game consists to make decisions while people observe different flow forecast charts, in order to evaluate 10 days of streamflow forecasts and responding  with flood mitigation and response actions. These actions involve a costs of damage and benefits of protections. At the end of the game, people could realize how hard is to make decisions and even harder if they will not have a tool such as GEOGLOWS Streamflow forecasts.