An early warning system for flooding and inundations in the city of Tel Aviv, Israel can be a valuable decision support tool for flood risk assessments. Due to the limited availability of tools for streamflow forecasting in Israel, tools like GloFAS and EFAS were available but limited in their scale or accessibility. However, GEOGLOWS ECMWF Streamflow Services provided high-resolution streamflow data and easy access, but had reservations about its applicability. GEOGLOWS was evaluated and it is similar and accurate compared to other tools used before. As a result, GEOGLOWS has been using the service to help people in the West Bank and has access to more forecasts and historical data for small rivers in Israel.
By implementing an early warning system for flooding and inundations in Tel Aviv, Israel, the city can improve its ability to assess flood risk, mitigate potential damage, and keep residents safe during flood events.